Why SEO Matters for Small Businesses

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Raise your hand if you started your businesses to do something you love, not spend hours panic Googling how to set up marketing campaigns or how to get more leads without spending hours and hours on social media.

Marketing can feel chaotic and overwhelming, which makes it the first thing to go when entrepreneur life gets crazy. Only for the panic to set in a few weeks later when you realize that you don’t have any leads in your funnel and you don’t know where your next sale is coming from.

That’s why SEO is important for small businesses.

Because it’s a lower maintenance marketing strategy that doesn’t require a bunch of content to be created only for that content to last for like…2 days.

Instead, it fills in a lot of gaps for your marketing strategy AND creates a new marketing channel for your business – all at one time.

Bonus: It makes your website work for you instead of simply existing – because Google can actually find it and read it.

But, is SEO actually important for small business owners or am I just trying to sell you something?

Let’s break it down.

Why SEO is Important for Small Business Owners

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of putting keywords in the right place on your website to make it easier for Google to understand what your content is about.

When Google can understand what your content is about, your site is more likely to show up as an answer to someone’s Google search.

If no one can find your website, there’s no point in having one, especially because 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine

…and people who find a website on Google are 14% more likely to convert (aka make a purchase) compared to people who find a business on social media.

That’s kind of a lot of opportunities your business could be missing if your website is not optimized for SEO, right?!

SEO is SO important for small businesses.

Because optimizing your website for SEO gives your website the chance to become the answer to your dream client’s Google search so they can find you exactly when they’re looking for you.

SEO is actually the ONLY marketing strategy that can help you beat big brands with big budgets WITHOUT having to spend a bunch of money on ads.

SEO is More Than Showing Up on Google

As small business owners, it’s really easy for us to forget that other people don’t think about our business 24/7 like we do.

Our potential clients don’t understand the ins and outs of what we do, how it works, or why they need it.

It’s literally our job to tell them all of that in a way that makes sense to them.

But, it can be really hard to know how to do that.
That’s another reason why SEO is so important.

SEO is a powerful marketing tool

SEO gives us the keywords that tell us how our clients are talking about what we’re offering.

Keywords make marketing way easier because they literally tell you what to say in things like:

  • How to name your new products/offers
  • What type of social media content to create
  • What to blog about
  • What pages you need on your website
  • What questions to answer in the copy of that page on your website
  • Pretty much anything that uses words…
Keywords are the fairy dust your marketing strategy is missing.

If you’re a business owner who’s:

  • Spinning your wheels trying to create content
  • Wondering why you aren’t getting any website traffic
  • Have no idea how to name your offers
  • Wonder why no one is buying

…you might be saying the wrong thing.

And SEO keywords can take the guesswork out of all of that by helping you understand what words your clients are using when they search for what you offer.

Keywords are basically a free ticket into your dream client’s brain so you can make your stuff make sense to them.

Because bottom line, it’s not about what makes sense to us as the business owner.
It’s about what makes sense to our clients.

SEO Matters for Small Businesses

If you’re a small business owner looking for ways to market your business without feeling like you need to be “on” all the time, guessing whether or not you’re doing this whole “marketing” thing right, you need SEO.

It’ll make your life so much easier by taking the guesswork out of how to talk about what you’re offering so you have a better chance of showing up at the right place, at the right time, saying the right thing.

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